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january 23造句

"january 23"是什么意思  
  • Liquor licensing board meets on january 23
  • He was born january 23 , 1902
  • According to one academic % 27s calculations , january 23 was the most depressing day of the year
  • Welch , jack . " four e ' s ( a jolly good fellow ) . " the wall street journal , friday , january 23 , 2004
    四个e (一个有趣的好同伴,华尔街日报,一月23日星期五, 2004 。
  • Between 8 pm on january 23 and 6 pm on january 24 , taxis will not be allowed to enter chui tin street
  • During a site visit on january 23 this year , the trade representatives showed interest in these sites
  • Police today ( january 25 ) appeal for information on a robbery case occurred in wan chai on january 23
  • The order will be gazetted on january 23 and tabled in the legislative council on february 7 . end monday , january 22 , 2001
  • Arnall has already figured out the saddest day of the year . it was january 23 - a monday . " surprise , surprise " , he
  • Promulgated by the china banking regulatory commission on january 23 2007 and effective as of march 1 2007
  • It's difficult to see january 23 in a sentence. 用january 23造句挺难的
  • Arnall has already figured out the saddest day of the year . it was january 23 - a monday . " surprise , surprise " , he quipped
  • Police seized about 160 boxes of fireworks during an anti - illegal fireworks operation conducted in yuen long tonight ( january 23 )
  • Police advise motorists that special traffic arrangements will be implemented at shatin to facilitate the race meeting today ( january 23 )
  • At about 10 . 30 am on january 23 , police received a report that a human skeleton was located at the hillside of san shek wan san tsuen in tuen mun
  • The hiking festival 2000 , which included trail walks and guided eco - tours , will last for about two months from november 20 , 1999 to january 23 , 2000
  • For canadians travelling from canada to the united states : since january 23 , 2007 , a new american law requires everyone entering the united states by air to have a valid passport
  • Director of immigration , mr lai tung - kwok centre at the year - end briefing for 2005 at the immigration service institute of training and development today january 23
  • The hubble space telescope captured this image of a gamma ray explosion on january 23 , 1999 . at the time it was the most powerful explosion ever recorded
  • Following is a summary of the immigration department s major activities covered by the director of immigration , mr lai tung - kwok , at the department s year - end briefing 2005 today january 23
  • Director of immigration , mr lai tung - kwok sixth from left at the year - end briefing for 2005 at the immigration service institute of training and development today january 23
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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